
Payments - Deposits and Deposits Calendar


The Deposits tab, and the Transactions Calendar tab are two easy ways of viewing the status of payments as they settle and become deposits into your bank account(s). 

When you click on Deposits under the Payments tab, you will see a list of the current month's deposits. You can click on the reference number for any deposit to view its details, and you can use the filters on the left of the screen to find the specific deposits you are looking for. Here are the filters and how they work:



Ref # - Entering the 8-digit Aptexx reference number here will bring you directly to that deposit.

Deposits/Withdrawals - Filter whether you want to see transactions that resulted in a deposit to your account, a withdrawal, or both. (The most common reason for a withdrawal is a returned check.)

Time Filter - The current month is shown by default, but you can use the various filters to display any date or range of dates. The Custom filter is the default view and allows you to select any range of dates you wish. Month, Quarter, and Year allow you to select a corresponding period to view.

Bank Account - Allows you to view deposits for a specific bank account.

Amount - Here you can search by the dollar amount of the deposit. You'll also notice sub-filters for the amount such as Greater Than or Equal To, which enable flexible amount filtering.

Deposits Calendar

Also located under the Payments tab is this helpful calendar. You can filter by Bank Account and where the current month is listed, you can also use the arrows to scroll to the previous or following months. Once your filters are in place, you can view deposit activity by day on the calendar. Clicking on a date on the calendar brings you back to the Deposits tab with your filters in place.

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