
Messaging - Compare Messages & Compare Conversations

Compare Messages & Compare Conversations

Compare Messages - This is a useful tool to use if you want to see how often messages are being sent. You can use the filters to help find specific types of messages. The filters are:

Message Type - Use this to choose between seeing all sent messages, messages sent via email, or messages sent via text.

Property Status - This filter chooses between your active properties, inactive properties, or all properties.

Time Filter - This helps look at messages sent during a particular month, quarter, or year. You can also use the custom filter to choose any date range you wish.

Once your filters are in place, you'll see bar graphs that help show when the messages were sent. Also, click on the number of messages sent for any property will take you directly to a list of those messages.


Compare Conversations - This tool helps you not only see the quantity of conversations that are taking place, but how fast the property is responding. Just choose between Active/Inactive/All properties and then use the sort feature to view your properties based upon the various metrics.

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