How to find and filter for specific or groups of residents
The Residents screen is where you can find and manage individual residents or groups of residents. To find an individual resident or group of residents, navigate to People à Residents. You can filter by the Property Status (Active, Inactive, All), the Person Status (Active, Inactive, All), Registered (All, Yes, No). You can search by Name, Unit or Code. There are also 18 different filters you can use to help manage the residents in Aptexx:
Blocked/Unsubscribed – To find renters that have blocked emails, texts, or both.
No Contact Info – To find renters with no email, phone number, or both listed in Aptexx.
Building – To find renters in a particular building.
Email – To find a particular renter by the email address listed in Aptexx.
Roommates – To include or exclude roommates in your filtered results.
Balance – To find renters with a balance. Can search using Greater than or equal, less than or equal, equal, or a range.
Pay Type – To find renters by their method of payment. Can search by credit card, debit card, ACH/eChecks, or Cash.
Payment Status – To find renters with a payment status of Accept, Certified Funds, or Do Not Accept.
Payment Engagement – To find renters that are using or not using Aptexx.
Rent Reporting – To find renters that have Rent Reporting enabled or disabled.
Lease Start – To find renters using a range of dates when their leases began.
Lease End – To find renters using a range of dates when their leases end.
Move In – To find renters using a range of dates by their move in date.
Move Out – To find renters using a range of dates by their move out date.
Birthday – To find renters filtered by their birth month.
Guarantor – Filter renters by whether they are a guarantor, not a guarantor, or all.
Payment Reminders – To filter residents by whether they have enabled payment reminders or not.
Insurance – To filter residents by whether they have renters’ insurance.