
Messaging - Scheduled Messages

Scheduled Messages


To find a sortable list of messages set to be sent some time in the future, navigate to Messaging > Scheduled.  You can see which group is scheduled to receive the message (resident, prospect), the timing (scheduled), the method (email, text), the title of the message, when it was created, when it was last modified, when it is scheduled to be sent, and who created the scheduled message.  You are also given the action options (delete, view/edit).  Clicking "Delete" removes the scheduled message, and it will not be sent.  Clicking “View/Edit” takes you to the Delivery page for NEW GROUP MESSAGE, where you can change any of the settings for the message.  You can also sort the scheduled messages by when they were created, when they were last modified, when they are scheduled to be sent, and who created the message.

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